Second attempt at a live blog...I think this will go a lot better than the NCAA Tournament blog that lost a lot of steam when people came over and too many Lost Lake Loggers were consumed. I love baseball more than anything, but even though I think the first two rounds of the NCAA Tournament are the greatest two days in sports, this is right behind it. I'm pretty sure I get a free preview of the MLB Baseball package, plus I get MLB.TV. That, plus ESPN's five games today, there should be plenty to watch and talk about.
First off, great Opening Night game last night. Right when it looked like the Yankees had an easy win, twice, the Sox came back and took it from them. Why? It was easy to tell the Yankees needed bullpen help last year, and I really don't see why this years bullpen for them is going to be any different. Chan Ho Park? Really Yankees? I know he had somewhat of a rebound last year, but the guy is flat out terrible. Hes been around 16 years, stinks, and he isn't even a lefty. Dumb-asso Marte maybe can get a few guys out, but I'm not sure why the Yankees didn't go to Joba or even Hughes earlier. I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure Hughes is their fifth starter, but the Yanks only play five games this week, meaning he probably wont start until sometime next week. Put him in, have him go two innings and you go into the 9th with a 7-5 lead.
I'm also concerned about Josh Beckett.. Really, I haven't liked Beckett since he left Florida for Boston.. Cant really say why though. I know a lot of people are thinking Cy Young for him, but I don't see it... And last night might have proved that. People were thinking contract year will mean a great year, but he just signed today, so you can throw that out the window. I'm not buying into Beckett.
Ill be keeping a close eye on the Marlins Mets game.. I think that should be the game of the day.. Plus I have both Johnson and Santana in Fantasy leagues, so I have a routing interest in that. Ill also be keeping a close eye on Carpenter against the Reds and Verlander V Greinke. At 9:00 PM, Ill only be watching the Twins (Sorry Oakland and Seattle) Ill try to give a breakdown of every team throughout the day.
And just for Aaron, Ill be spell checking and using contractions.
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